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Spring 2025
This term, we will be looking at and exploring winter and Chinese new year.  In our winter topic, we will be looking at;
What animals do in winter? 
What winter looks like? 
How do we dress in winter? 
The differences between winter and summer. 
We will be looking at two story books "Winnie in Winter", which is a book about a witch who id fed up with winter and so uses a magic spell to end winter early and bring summer forward.  This causes lots of problems.  Our second book is called "One Snowy Night" and is about Percy the park keeper and a very cold snowy night.  He has some unexpected visitors from around his park who are looking for a warm place to stay for the night.  Let's just say it gets a little crowded.
We will also be looking at Chinese new year and how Chinese people celebrate it.  We will be looking at what gifts they give, food they eat and what colours are lucky for them.  We will also be looking at how we celebrate new year.  Do we have similarities and differences.
Autumn 2024
This half term we will be looking at special events that we celebrate, such as Bonfire night, Remembrance day, Advent and Christmas.
We will be visiting our school library every Monday and the children can take their favourite book home for the week, we encourage you to spend just 10 minutes reading with your child everyday. We will also be looking at different stories in class and learning how we can retell them using props and story sequence cards.
In Maths, we will be looking at shapes and recognition. We will also be concentrating on numbers 1 to 5 and learning how to organise them into the correct order.
The children have taken home some activities and we encourage you to spend some time practicing them with your child so it gives them the consistency both at home and at nursery.
This half term is a fun, exciting and busy part of the year for the children, with lots of activities leading up to Christmas and the Nativity which we are excited about.