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First Holy Communion

Reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Parents of children who are beginning Year 3 at school should look out for the information concerning the preparation sessions which will be given in the Parish Newsletter during the autumn term. A meeting will be arranged for registration and a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate will be required at this first meeting or soon afterwards if available.

First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation preparation for the children takes place each year in our Parish. First Reconciliation (First Confession) usually takes place during Lent and First Holy Communion in May or June but often around mid-June on or near Corpus Christi Sunday, both dates being set at the beginning of the programme and given out to parents and carers.

The Parish programme usually begins in January and is designed by Fr Mark with the catechists each year. We also use the pupil books from ‘I BELONG’ as an extra resource for parents to use with their children at home. It is based on everyday experiences. As each chapter unfolds the children will explore a theme connected with the Mass. They then go on to think about the same theme in the Old and New Testaments and the Church.

We encourage active and reflective sessions for our young people allowing for a variety of approaches. There are a wide range of opportunities for the children to explore and grow in their faith, to learn to pray and reflect, to write and draw freely, to discuss and offer opinions and take part in cooking, art and drama activities, which they love!

There are regular sessions throughout the year led by Fr Mark Skelton and a group of catechists. There are parents meetings and Celebration Masses for the whole family. Children are encouraged to participate in these Masses, maybe bringing and talking about something they have made at the sessions, reading prayers or being part of the offertory Procession.

The children’s sessions take place on Saturday mornings 10.30 to 12.30pm at All Saints Parish Church in Teignmouth. The Celebration Masses take place at the 11am Sunday Family Mass at OLSP Church in Teignmouth, the 6pm Vigil Mass at St Agatha's, Dawlish or the 9am Mass at St Ignatius in Shaldon.

It is essential that we are all fully committed to all that this most important year offers us, to grow in the love of Jesus present in the Sacraments and present in one another.